What is covered? The risks that people as part of a community may be exposed, because of their activities, hobbies or tastes. This type of protection is essential for groups of employees, members of clubs, associations and all those who ought to or wish to have protection in case of loss of life and other risks associated with their activities, at a low cost and with special conditions due to being part of an insurance of group.
Benefits: Those who participate in the group, when counting on this protection …
- Discount• Have interesting discount rates.
- May agree upon• May agree upon coverages that directly impact the activities or risks to which they are exposed by the nature of the group.
- Organizations• The organizations and companies have a fare that can be shared with employees or just assume and implement the effects of tax deductibility.
- Counseling • With RR ASESORES,They also count on the counseling to such group or count on the training for the knowledge of the benefits acquired by or for the group.